Latest community pub news

While we’re waiting for any further developments regarding our own pub, it’s great to bring good news stories from successful community efforts around the country.

According to the Plunkett Foundation, there are currently 134 pubs and five breweries in community ownership (not to mention lots of other businesses too). If you're out and about this summer I'm sure they'd welcome your custom - here's an easy way to find them.

One of the latest is The Rising Sun, which was bought at auction by developers in 2011. The committee campaigning to save the pub and bring it in to community ownership have just announced they've finally reached an agreement to buy it.

And here's another - The White Hart. For two years they've kept their dream going, now it's a reality. It’s absolutely brilliant to see what a community can do when they pull together.


Pop-up Pub postponed


Beer boxes to help local charities