Terms & Conditions

The Competition entry rules

Only 5 images are permitted per Entrant for a fee of £10.

The Competition is open to all photographers (both amateur and professional)

Closing date will be midnight on Saturday 31Oct2020

Images must have been taken within Stonesfield and surrounding areas (maximum 2 miles radius) and within the last 3 years.

Images that have won awards in other national or international competitions are not allowed to be entered into this Competition.

All photographs submitted must be the work of the individual who submits them.

Any type of camera may be used to capture the image (including mobile phones).

Entries must be in digital format as follows

  • 4Mb (maximum file size)

  • 5:4 crop is preferable (portrait or landscape orientation, please note that some cropping of winning images for the calendar may be unavoidable however we will endeavour to keep this to an absolute minimum.)

  • 1920 pixels along the long edge

  • JPG

Image names must follow this format


  • i.e. Ansel-Adams-01

All images must be free of water marks, borders and text.

Composite images are not allowed unless the composite is made for exposure, focus stacking or stitched panoramas.

Editing is allowed on your image however you are not allowed to add objects into your image or any excessive removal of objects other than small debris or dust spots.  Accepted digital adjustments include dodging and burning, changes to tone and contrast and cropping, as well as High Dynamic Range imaging techniques, stitched panoramas and focus stacking.

Entrants into the Competition shall be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.


The entry fee is £10 entitling the Entrant to 5 submitted images.

Of this fee all profits will go to the #backthewhitehorse campaign.   

None of the fee will be used for time of the judges or promotion of the competition.


The entries will be kindly judged by Tom Bown and Brian Lee of Witney Photo Group. When choosing the shortlist, the winners and commended images, the Judges will be looking for artistic merit and original images that evoke emotion.  

The competition will close to entries at midnight 31st October 2020.  The judges will then get together and decide on the main winners.

We will announce the shortlisted images.

The judges' decision is final and the winners will be announced between 9th and 11th November 2020.  No correspondence will be entered into on the final decisions.

The dates for announcing the winners are subject to change.

We may ask for RAW images during the judging stage.  This does not mean that you have won one of the main prizes.

Any winners will be required to send their images in high resolution for printing.  

The prizes

All main prize winning images will be included in the Stonesfield 2021 calendar, which will be printed at A3 size on a 200gsm silk inner with 400gsm silk covers and made available for sale through #backthewhitehorse campaign. 

All commended images will be included on this site.

All prize winners will be announced initially and published on this site.

Image use

By submitting an entry to the Competition, you grant #backthewhitehorse:

a. Permission for your entry to be published on our websites including but not limited to www.backthewhitehorse.com and Instagram (@white_horse_stonesfield)

b. the right to free reproduction and exhibition of the image in all media. Photographers will be credited if an image is used. The copyright of photographs remains with the photographer.